Friday, February 6, 2015

The release of High-Fly Superstar Justin Gabriel


     The release of Gabriel reminds me last year's the release of CM Punk. Punk also quited WWE after the Royal Rumble match. But Gabriel could not stay any longer he quited before the Rumble. They had some differences. Punk wanted to win the opportunity of getting chance of WWE World Championship match where Gabriel wanted to be no more low-status player. Wanted to be main-eventer. He did not have a single title. Gabriel just settled with tag team titles. WWE refused the decision that Justin would be champion. I remembered that Gabriel first appearence in WWE. He was a rookie in NXT. His pro was Matt Hardy. I wanted to Gabriel's victory in Season 1. He was the one who deserved the winner. He was the third. David Otunga was the runner and Wade Barrett, a.k.a. Bad New Barrett was the winner of NXT. After the NXT, they formed NEXUS. Nexus was the one of the most dominent faction in WWE history. But there was something in that group was not filled. The faction seperated and new Nexus came up with the leader of Punk. Who will remember Kidd and Gabriel as a tag team years later without few people? Maybe if they were still tag team, they would be new tag champs. But Tyson was injured. Kidd and Gabriel were not the same when they came together again. After the tag team, the single competitor Justin Gabriel become both face and heel wrestler to gain attitude. 

     WWE wanted to fill Gabriel where they had lack of superstars both in RAW and in Smackdown. The loser was always Justin Gabriel. Where there is a talented superstar, WWE made them as a low-card status. But when it comes championship, it must be someone else. The one who does not deserve!

     He did a very good job in NXT. The relationship between Tyson and Gabriel reminded us "We are still here and we could be still tag team. But now? They are seperated. They deserved more than that. The ended up with another feud but it was still they didnt want to that which was not Justin's dream. Who wants to be NXT superstars where they are in main roster? (well, NXT is not the subject I wanna talk about and NXT rocks more than Smackdown!) If you want to watch wrestling, you better watch NXT! Justin Gabriel did not accept the idea. Furthermore, he quited WWE after that.

     So, what is the result? WWE lost one more talented superstar. The way WWE continue like this, they will lose more than one superstar.

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